Thursday, November 29, 2007

Phone calls. (part 1)

It was just an average day at Lutherson Academy. The birds were chirping, the sun was out just melting away the rest of the frost from the cold night before. Me and my brother had walked to school together that morning, but rushing out the door we didn’t get to take our vitamins that morning, but honestly that was fine with us. Our mom was always so scared we might get sick, I’m actually surprised we don’t live inside plastic sanitary bubbles! Sometimes it does feel like that though. My brother and I live with our mom and our dog rufus. I miss our dad though, he died when I, Ashley was about 10 years old and Charlie was 3. He doesn’t remember dad very well. By now I’m 15 and Charlie is going to turn 8 next week. He is really growing up fast.

Today I was planning to buy him his birthday present. I’m going to get him a basketball that is signed by Luke Rindenour (his favorite basketball player). I couldn’t wait to give it to him, and see the look on his face. Me and Charlie are really close, but we don’t go to the same school, but they are right next to each other incase he ever needed me.

During 2nd period my cell phone went off and I freaked out. I immediately looked at the caller ID and it said “incoming call: daddy.” I knew that wasn’t possible... my mom said we should burry him with his phone. She told me she didn’t want to keep it. My mom felt bad since that phone was a part of his life and for other reasons I was “too young” to understand at the time. You see my dad worked for a company that had secret assignments, and he would never tell us what he was doing. So the night before he died, we have no idea what happened. My dad was murdered but what the police told my family “ I secret assassin.”

To be continued…


raelani said...

This story really caught my attention, nice job on describing the family.

Kate said...

Wow Linden this is really intense! I love how you leave it a cliff hanger! Because it makes me want to read more!