Monday, October 22, 2007

my summer experince

We were all awake, clean, hungry, and of course we all wished we could be in bed at 6:45 AM, but no it was time for the morning roll call. All of us sleepy heads were getting up to work out with Jay, the Basketball Camp Director. This meant an hour of practice before we go t to eat, (and it wasn’t the yummiest breakfast to wake up to in the first place!)
The work out with Jay is the part that no one looks forward too. This workout consists of hardcore ball handling. There are about 100 of us in a gym, sweating and breathing hard down each other’s backs. We’re all on our toes, eyes focused and muscles tensed because every word slipped meant “pushups”. You could even have up to 120 pushups in half an hour! Lacy and I just stood there staring at each other wondering why we were even at this camp! All we did was drill after drill. The one thing that everyone did look forward to was when Jay said “Ok, water break”. Then of course it was back to figure 8 drills and spinnage with our blue and yellow balls.
Now that I think about it, it was probably one of the hardest, most boring, tiring weeks of my life. I would also have to say I learned a lot and I probably became a better player, even though the whole time I was there the only thing I could think of was coming home and sleeping in my comfortable bed. But now, I really think that it made me a stronger basketball player.


AVERY said...

i think that the camp really helped you becuse ive seen you on the court and your doin really well

raelani said...

Its really cool that even though you didnt have a lot of fun while you were there but you thought you got better. It was really well written because you used a lot of details.

Kate said...

God, that does not sound like fun at all! I liked it cuz I was able to feel your pain.

~Kate said...

I really liked this entry because it was really detailed and I could picture how exhausted you would be!!

emily yo! :D said...

Wow. I liked it because I could tell that even though the camp was hard, it was worth it because it helped you improve in the game. Good job!

L-unit said...

I like how you wrote this because I like how you wrote "This workout conists of hardcore ball handling" and the description you put in it.