Monday, February 25, 2008

Billy the unicorn.

Once upon a time there was a unicorn named Billy who loved to eat skittles. This unicorn ate skittles for breakfast, lunch and dinner, he could never get enough. the only problem is that the skittle company stopped making skittles. This was probably the worst day of Billy's life. It went like this, one day he was sitting watching his favorite Tv show, when all of the sudden a commerical cam on stating that they will no longer we selling or making skittles. He completely freaked out. Billy was so speechless he cried for 3 days. After he was done being sad he decided to go to the skittle factory. Billy drove for 2 days and 2 nights and finally arrived at the factory. All of the lights were off and all the machines were set at a dead stop. Billy couldn't believe his eyes. Billy decided to protest so he stood outside in the sunshine. After a few hours of that, the skittle manager came out and said
"Excuse me, do you need something?" Billy replied eagerly "YES, make skittles again, I'm going crazy!" The manager broke into laughter and said "You silly unicorn, we still are making skittles, we only told people that to excite them when we brought out the new package we are designing!!" Billy was so relieved he smiled for the rest of his life.

Jessica Manca.

Once upon a time there were 2 best friends named Jessica and Linden. We are deffinitely 2 of the coolest people on earth. I love her with all my heart. She is my sister you could pretty much say. :) Even though we sometimes get into little fights about dumb stuff. Im serious this girl can always make me laugh, like drop down on the floor laughing. we share about 697 milllion memories. I mean we can have food fights with whipcream, icecream, soap, and tons of other things. We will hangout and talk until 6am then wake up at like 10 to talk more. We are the kind of friends who after 2 days of being together going home and calling eachother because we forgot to tell eachother something. Im not kidding you will practically always see us together :) We have been friends for along time but since the end of the summer until this very day we have been closer than ever. I mean me+her=perfect match. Its like we are attached at the hip, well supergulued, because we have different parents. But honestly we are so much alike, its a surprise our brains arent connected but im pretty sure they are connected somehow since she always knows what is going on in my brain, and always understands and feels how i feel. Pretty much when we arent together, we are either looking for eachother, or about to call eachother. I will always have our memories to remember, which are probably the funniest things on the planet. But there is always more stuff happening daily, oh the crazy things we do when we are together. We make crazy food combinations, and do and say the weirdest things. We take pictures where we seriously look retarted, and dance around in our sweats pulled to our armpits. Im so glad all these memories are with her, since they would just not be the same without her. I hope we always say best friends, since hey these are the best dayss.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Visiting Haley

Yesterday me and Jessica went to Haley’s last volleyball game. She had no idea we were coming so when she turned around after hearing us call her name over and over, she screamed and ran over and gave us both HUGE hugs. We were both excited to see her, since we hadn’t since the beginning of January. We were also excited to watch her play since we never had seen her before and their team was undefeated. I thought that was pretty impressive, because that meant that their team must be pretty good. Also their last game happened to be against their rival team OV (Olympic View.) And of course the team won all 3 games I would have to say they were really good. After the game was over Haley introduced us to her new friends, and a bunch of her guy friends. Before we left her school we had to wait until she said goodbye to her coach. After we left the gym we went out to dinner at this Mexican restaurant near the ferry, the food was really yummy. It was fun getting to catch up with Haley and her family.

Justina + Linden + Patrick’s Trip to the Mars.

One day in science when we were studying the planets we decided we wanted to go to Mars. Me and Justina thought that would be really fun, and we invited Patrick Riebel to come with us. WE thought that we would definitely need some food and other stuff on our trip. These are some of the items we are bringing.

Vitamin water (strawberry-kiwi & dragon fruit)
White Cheddar Cheetoes
Oxygen Bubbles
Cum Chap (mango lip butter)
Jet Packs
Monsters (yellow & orange)

First we are going to pack up our Oxygen Bubbles and light our Jet Packs for the start of our journey. And of course we have our I-pods is we don’t get bored while floating around. We have even prepared our own language for when we meet the aliens. And yes we are very sure there will be aliens there, and they will probably have their names backwards. I’m pretty sure this trip is definitely going to be ones of the best EVER.